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middle america 1.中美洲。2.美國中產階級社會(有時尤指美國中西部中產...

middle article

Our company has possessed self - contained capacity for equipment marking , the products used widely at the industries of rubber , polyfoam etc . series and sold in more ten countries such as middle ease , southeast asia , middle america and south america etc 公司擁有完善的設備制造能力,產品廣泛用于橡膠、塑膠發泡等系列的行業,產品外銷中東、東南亞、中南美洲等十幾個國家。

Right now , there is just this moment the horrendous natural disaster down in central america , and in middle america , in the midwest . and it s always something . so , how do we deal with all this 我們都有著同樣的問題現在,就在此時,在中美洲在美國中西部正遭逢可怕的天災,世界總是不斷有事情發生,我們要如何處理呢

We offer the best service with our carefulness , solicitude and sincerity so that we are well reputated in china , philippines , thailand , vietnam and the middle america 若貴公司有任何需求或問題,請與我們聯絡,我們將熱誠為您服務

In middle america , all gas station attendants have red handkerchiefs hanging out of their back pockets 在美國中部,所有加油站工作人員的褲子后面口袋都垂著一條紅色手巾。

Casino culture the towns of middle america have stopped farming and manufacture - and turned instead to gambling 美國賭場文化鎮中間停止耕作及制造、轉而賭博